Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) means "Universal Life Force Energy". Good health depends on the quality of life-force or Ki (Chi), that is flowing through our bodies. Ki energy is in all living things. The powerful healing properties of Reiki can be experienced by all who are drawn to it either as a healer or a healee. Reiki is divinely guided and enhances the flow of Ki through all living things and has an intelligence all of its own. Reiki is an Earth energy & is very calming & grounding.
Seichem (pronounced Say-Keem), has the Earth elemental healing energy Reiki, as well as the other 3 elements, water, fire & air. Seichem is an ancient Egyptian Healing Technique that was first given to Patrick Zeigler in 1979, when he spent the night alone in meditation in the Great Pyramid of Giza. Transcendent beings of a very high vibrational energy initiated him into this teaching of SKHM (Seichem).
Earth (Reiki) energy is experienced as hot and cold. Works on the physical body and grounds all healing work.
Water (Sophi-El) is experienced as undulating waves of cool energy that clears deep emotional issues for the healee. Negative energy is given to the angels for transmutation.
Fire (Sakara) is distinguished as rapid pulses or sparks of low voltage electricity. Healees often feel the sparkling energy or a current or energy on or in their body.
Air (Angeliclight) is a 2-fold energy of air and spirit. The presence of angels is often experienced.
Reiki & Seichem cleanse the body of built up toxins, relieves pain, comforts, soothes, calms and releases emotional trauma. They loosen blocked energy and accelerate the body's own natural ability to heal itself, at the same time promoting a state of total relaxation and well-being. Reiki & Seichem are gentle and stimulate the body's own innate wisdom to heal, promoting a holistic balancing of body, mind and spirit. Unlike some forms of healing the practitioner does not draw from his/her own energy. Reiki & Seichem energies travels through the healer, and on to the healee. Reiki & Seichem protect & heal. They cannot be mis-used. People of any age can benefit from these beautiful healing energies.
Healing through human touch is the oldest and simplest of all the therapies available to us. No special kind of faith or belief is needed or required to learn, practice or receive Reiki &/or Seichem. It is used with the same success by people of many faiths and religions, by free thinkers as well as by followers of widely differing philosophies and ideologies.
And let us not forget our beloved pets!
All animals benefit from Reiki/Seichem!
Reiki &/or Seichem in no way conflict with medical procedures, in fact they support and enhance all medical treatments. It can be incorporated effectively into the healing arts practiced by health professionals from traditional and alternative medicine.
Clients are treated fully clothed, lying on a Reiki table although it can be done seated. The channel's hands are placed in a series of positions lightly on or just above the client's body. Healing takes place mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually and at all levels of consciousness. One of the beauties of Reiki & Seichem is that it heals at such deep levels that emotional blockages and suppressed feelings are released, allowing deep personal healing to take place.
In cases of terminal illness Reiki & Seichem enhance the quality of life, allowing for peace and serenity in the time remaining. Acute injuries can be helped to heal very quickly, though more chronic injuries may take longer.
On a spiritual level Reiki & Seichem offer both the healee and the healer a greater experience of higher consciousness, self-awareness and intuition.
(1 hour session) - $45 investment.
Contact Dee Hamel email |