Angel Energy Healing


Angels are androgynous beings of Pure Cosmic/Universal Light and Unconditional Love and Acceptance. They have been appearing to mankind for eons. Because of their brilliant aura of light, they were/are therefore perceived as having wings. Angels have always since been depicted in various art forms as having beautiful human male or female bodies, with feathery wings. Although Angels are in actuality Pure Light and don’t have a tangible human body, they can and do represent themselves and appear to us in any form they want to, according with what our minds are capable of understanding, depending on our level of consciousness and acceptance.

Angels are the servants of mankind. They are here to help us in every aspect of our earthly lives. We must also understand and be aware that Angels need to be given permission to act on our behalf. This is done through prayer, thought/mind/heart connection, and simply connecting by talking to them and asking for their help and/or intervention. Angels cannot interfere with our lives and affairs unless we ask them, as this is against Cosmic/Universal Law.

Angels are from dimensions beyond the 3rd dimension, as life is perceived here on Earth. In the Angelic realm, they consider and appear to each other as equals, therefore there is no need for hierarchy! Angels are pure Love & Light, have unconditional acceptance and love for each other and other beings/ life in the universe. Let the Angels help us to help the Earth and her people evolve into this level of divine love and acceptance. Angels do have different jobs that they do in this Universe, and therefore appear to humans as having some sort of hierarchy. This idea of hierarchy/levels/ rank etc. is an earthly and man-made idea or concept.

Angels = Love /Light /Unconditional Acceptance.

An Angel Energy Healing session consists & is a combination of:

  • Healing (hands on with Archangels Michael & Raphael)
  • Channeling & Communicating (with your personal Angels)
  • Aura reading
  • Automatic writing
  • Angel card reading (with messages from the Angels including question answers and guidance)
  • Cutting of ties & etheric cords
  • Chakra & Aura clearing
  • Guided visualization meditations
  • Clearing & neutralizing negativity, worries etc.
  • Aura strengthening & protection

An Angel Energy Healing session lasts aprox. 1 hr to 1.5 hours, depending on individual needs. Each Angel Energy Healing session is personalized according to each person’s specific healing requirements at the time of the session/appointment.

1 hour session: € 60.00 investment.

1.5 hour session: € 80.00 investment

Contact Dee Hamel

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