Home and hospital visits are gratefully accepted on request.
We will happily give you a Therapeutic Touch or Reiki/Seichem treatment in your home and or visit you or a loved one in Hospital.
Dolores Kreiger PhD, RN. and Therapeutic Touch:
Dolores Krieger grew up in Brooklyn and attended the Westchester School of Nursing. She graduated in 1955 and went on to earn her B.S., M.A. and Ph.D. in nursing at NYU, where she has taught since 1963.
Kreiger , who since 1975 has been teaching therapeutic touch as part of the accredited graduate program at New York University's School of Nursing. (It is also taught in 33 other nursing schools in the U.S. and Canada.) Krieger has used it in her clinical practice for the past seven years, treating symptoms of ailments ranging from migraine headaches to asthma. Through lectures and workshops, Krieger has taught the nursing technique to more than 5,000 people, including doctors, nurses and midwives.
An offshoot of holistic medicine, therapeutic touch is based on the now scientifically verified fact that the body is an energy field. The field is said to be uniformly smooth in a healthy person, whereas someone with a disease or a pain has irregularities in his field. Krieger contends that through intense concentration and practice anybody can eventually detect the disturbances in another person's energy field and return it to a balanced state.
Her studies show that therapeutic touch brings about a rise in hemoglobin levels, indicating an increased supply of oxygen to the cells. Although most of its proponents are nurses, some doctors use it too. Dr. David Warner, a Wisconsin surgeon, practices therapeutic touch on his cardiac patients. "It helps with healing and avoiding postoperative complications," he says. "It won't be long until it's accepted in classical medical situations." Dr. Wally Burnstein, a New Jersey general practitioner who has taken Krieger's course, agrees. "There's no question this stuff gets results," he insists.