About Dee Hamel

For the better part of her life, Dee has had an inner calling to personally pursue many areas of metaphysics, including:  spirituality, meditation, healing, quantum physics, universal teachings, cosmic consciousness and inner spiritual awareness teachings, among others. It has been a continuing personal life journey for her, as well as a quest, to guide, help or heal anyone who may be seeking direction in this time of great consciousness awakening on the planet..


Dee has also studied a great deal in the areas Ancient Egypt & other ancient highly advanced civilizations & their teachings. 

Dee resided & practiced mostly in Manitoba In the 1980’s & 90’s. She recently spent 7 years in magical/mystical Ireland, where she continued her studies in healing & metaphysics, and managed her own successful holistic practice.  Dee has over 25 years experience in holistic healing & metaphysics.

Dee does not adhere to any religious doctrine, but believes in a Cosmic Consciousness, Universal Oneness & Spiritual Wisdom, which is found within us all.  She believes that we are more than just 3 dimensional physical bodies, but are part of that pure cosmic consciousness. We are Light Beings - each and every one of us. 

Dee believes there are many paths/directions one may need to experience in this life to ultimately discover the  true nature of our beings.  Although we may be at different progessions/levels at any given point in our individual life journeys, she believes that we are all ultimately striving towards the same goal.  In other words, there are many means to a common goal.  

Her true wish is that, until we truly become awakened/enlightened, that we all help each other evolve forward in a nonjudgemental way, understanding & accepting religious & spiritual diversity, teaching peace & practicing unconditional love,  acceptance & non violence toward all of life.  Let us all drop our egos and help each other in this time of great awakening. Imagine what it would be like to live in a world of pure Love, compassion, peace, understanding, acceptance & forgiveness.

Dee is an open minded, gentle & compassionate person, and maintains the highest in professionalism in regards to the therapies & instructional courses she gives.

Dee Hamel  -  Mystic  *    Healer  *    Spiritual Teacher    *

*Therapeutic Touch Healing*
*Sound Healing (Tibetan bowls,  Tingshas,  Tuning Forks)*
*Reiki & Seichem Master Healer / Teacher*

*Angel Energy Healing Practitioner*
*Intuitive Empath*

*Animal Healer*
*Aura Readings*
*Angel & Celestial Card Readings*
*Spiritual Counselling*
*Workshops & Courses*

(various courses available throughout the year)

deehamel@mac.com    email