Aura Readings



First of all  - WHAT IS THE AURA? 

The aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds the human body and every organism and object in the Universe. It is constantly moving and changing from moment to moment.
The Human Energy Field as a collection of electro - magnetic energies of varying densities that permeate through and emanate from the physical body of a living person. These particles of energy are seen around the healthy human body in an oval shaped field. This "auric egg" emanates out from the body approximately 2-3 feet (1 meter on average) on all sides. It extends above the head and below the feet into the ground. 

The aura consist of seven levels/layers/auric bodies . Each one of the subtle bodies that exist around the physical body, has its own unique frequency. They are interrelated, and affect one another and the person's feelings, emotions, thinking, behavior, and health as well. Therefore a state of balance/imbalance in one of the bodies leads to a state of balance/imbalance in the others.

What is an Aura Reading & how is an Aura Reading accomplished?

The client sits comfortably in a relaxed state with eyes closed.  The facilitator sits in front of the client a few feet away. The facilitator will soften their eyes, focusing gently on the outer area of the client's head. Soon, auric energy and colors will be seen emanating from the clients body. The thickness, shape and colors in ones aura have many different meanings, which is sketched out on paper and interpreted for the client, by the facilitator.  Each person has a unique and individual reading. It is a beautiful way to see the energies that surround you. Angels, spiritual guides/health issues and other clairvoyant messages/information is also gathered for the client.